Frequently Asked Questions
To help you in making your decision about moving to Cedar Cove, we have assembled some of the questions we regularly receive. Of course, you can always give us a call for more information!
We love hearing from you and look forward to welcoming you to our beautiful “55 plus” mobile home community in Sarasota, FL.
Age Restriction
I would like to live in Cedar Cove, but I won't be 55 for another year. Is that possible?
While we understand why you would like to move in a little early, Cedar Cove is a strictly 55+ Age Restricted Community. The primary resident of a property in Cedar Cove must be at least 55 years of age, and all residents of the home must be over 45 years of age. We look forward to having you as our neighbor next year!
If my grandchildren visit me throughout the year, are they allowed to stay with me?
Of course your grandchildren can visit with you! Like all 55 plus mobile home communities in Sarasota, we do have a few rules, however. Our covenants state that children under the age of 18 may stay for up to 15 consecutive days, or a total of 30 days per calendar year per child. Family members or friends aged 18-44 are also welcome visit for up to 30 days per calendar year.
Visitors aged 45 or older may stay longer than 30 days, but must apply with the management office to do so. Remember, anyone who comes to visit you for longer than 48 hours must register with the office. If you have any questions about an upcoming visit, just let us know!
If I want to apply to live in Cedar Cove, what is my first step?
Each person expecting to reside in your Cedar Cove manufactured home for a period of more than 30 days is required to apply with the office and obtain approval before purchasing or renting a home. A photo identification verifying birth date will be necessary for consideration. A separate application will be required for all homeowners, as well as any friends, tenants, live-in health care workers or family members who plan on residing in the unit for more than 30 days. Application fee is $30 per applicant ($60 per couple). This is non-refundable and must be submitted with the application and photo ID.
Land Lease / Lot Rent
I noticed that Cedar Cove is a Land-Lease Community. What does that mean, exactly?
The term “land-lease” indicates that you own the manufactured home, but lease the lot from the community. You will be charged lot rent monthly, which includes the rental of the land, maintenance of the community and use of the amenities. And did you know? Because you do not own the land, you don’t have any property taxes!
Should I expect the lot rent to increase each year?
As a rule, lot rents do increase each January. As a family owned and operated business, we strive to keep increases reasonable, while maintaining and continually improving our community. You can compare our lot rents against other 55 plus mobile home communities in Sarasota, Florida. You will find us to be among the most affordable!
Does my monthly lease include any amenities and services?
Yes! Cedar Cove has a heated pool, a community center with TV, a business center with wifi, and a small library. Your monthly lease also includes garbage, recycling, and yard waste pickup; grass cutting year round; weed eating and edging 3 times per year; and a fire, stormwater & ambulance assessment.
I read that Cedar Cove is family-owned. Will I ever actually meet the owners?
Absolutely. Jeff and Jason Warrington are our community owners and operators, and you are likely to run into them from time to time. They have great pride in the community and embrace a hands-on approach to management. Whether they are improving the landscaping or working in the sales office, Jeff and Jason take an interest in every part of Cedar Cove – and that includes the residents. So be sure to say hello when you see them!
If I have a complaint or concern, do I deal with a faceless management company?
We want to hear about any problems you may be experiencing. Contact our office with any concerns, ideas or suggestions, and we will quickly set up a meeting with community management. Our team has over 120 years of service to our residents so many times your complaint can be handled by simply calling the office. Don't ever hesitate to call us if you have an issue.
Why do you have a Chaplain for your team members and residents?
We want Cedar Cove to become your home, someplace where you feel that you belong. This inspires us to go beyond “business” and to look for ways to encourage real community. Therefore, our Chaplain is here to provide emotional and spiritual support when life gets hard, whether that be unexpected health issues, the death of a loved one, or just having someone to talk to when you feel lonely. We all need a strong shoulder sometimes, and our Chaplain is here to help you when you need it.
Manufactured Home vs. Mobile Home
What is the difference between a manufactured home and a mobile home?
A “trailer”, “mobile home”, and “manufactured home” are all the same thing. The terminology has changed over the years as the homes themselves have changed.
Prior to the 70’s, the homes were very mobile and looked more like travel trailers. Beginning in the mid-1980’s mobile or manufactured homes were built with cathedral ceilings and shingled roofs.
The term “Manufactured Home” is basically a newer more modern term for mobile homes. One of the distinct differences of a “mobile home” or a “manufactured home” compared to other types of housing construction is manufactured housing is built in a production line setting and built in a factory. The manufactured homes are then pulled on their own axles, wheels, and hitches to their destination like a manufactured home community and placed on a lot and anchored in place. Once the home is set the attachments are added (carport, driveway, A/C, electric pedestal, sewer/water connection, etc.).
The new manufactured homes built today look like conventional homes inside and out and are built to the most current wind/hurricane codes. Manufactured Housing is built to HUD building codes and the attachments are built to the latest Florida building codes.
Do you allow pets?
We are sorry, but dogs are not allowed in Cedar Cove. You may keep an indoor cat.
I’m not sure about living in a 55 plus mobile home community. Can I rent before I buy?
Cedar Cove's management has one home in the community which is rented out through the main office. Renting for a month or more is a great way to determine if life in an over 55 manufactured home community is right for you. Resident owned rentals are also available throughout the year, and those rentals are handled by the resident themselves, not our office. However, all the rules of renting or owning in a 55+ mobile home community apply. Anyone renting through the office or privately must first be age qualified, apply for residency and be approved by management.
I'm convinced! How do I make an offer on a manufactured home in Cedar Cove?
All prospective buyers must be age-qualified (link) and fill out an application and be approved by the office prior to making an offer. We do require a $200 earnest money payment and a signed purchase offer to present to the seller.
What will it cost me to purchase a manufactured home in Cedar Cove?
Prices may range from $10,000 to over $100,000, depending on the age and condition of the home you are purchasing. Once you have settled on a sales price and paid your application fee, the following fees also apply:
- Sales tax on the price of the home – figured at 7% on the first $5,000 and 6% on any remaining amount over $5,000
- Title transfer fee - $78.25 per title (double wide homes have two titles)
- Decal fee – approximately $50 per decal (double wide homes have two decals)
- Home inspection fee (pre-owned) - $220
- Processing fee -$100
- Lien fee (if being financed) - $2 per title
- Mailbox fee Deposit (one time – refundable upon move out) - $15
Can I purchase a new home in Cedar Cove, or are there only pre-owned homes available?
Yes, we bring in new manufactured homes from time to time depending on lot availability to sell as models. If there are lots available, you may also request a Custom Home purchase through our Sales Center.